Deadline Paper
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The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of new developments, recent progress, and innovations in the design and implementation of System on Chip for Real&#8211;Time processing&#046; It addresses all aspects of design and design methods of those systems&#046; Emphasis is on current and future challenges in research and development in both academia and industry&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> IP Core, Circuit and System Designs<br>Analog and Mixed&#8211;Signal IC Design, Digital IC Design, Digital Signal Processing and Image, Telecommunication Circuits and Applications Processing IC Design, Special Architectures, Hardware Reconfiguration (FPGA&#8211;based circuits, systems & applications), Micro&#8211;mechanical Systems, Systems On Chip (embedded systems, IPs,)<br>CAD & CAT Methods and Tools 3&#046;7 Wireless<br>Modeling and Simulation, Deep Sub micron Design & Modeling Issues, Verification 3&#046;10 Medical, Low&#8211;Power Issues, Logic and High&#8211;level Synthesis, Prototyping and Validation, Testability and Test<br>Applications<br>Speech/Music/Audio, Image and Machine Vision, Video/HDTV, Sonar and Radar, Networking/Communications, Coding/Compression, Wireless, Multimedia, Sensors, Medical