Las Vegas
United States
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<b>Keywords:</b> Software architectures, Object&#8211;Oriented technology, Measurement, metrics and analysis, Survivable systems, Requirements engineering, Reverse engineering, Software domain modeling, Software process modeling, Workflow &#8211; Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Project management issues, Distributed and parallel systems, Legal issues and standards, Configuration management (issues and tools), Automated software specification, Automated software design and synthesis, Theoretic approaches (formal methods, graph, &#046;&#046;&#046;), Domain modeling and meta&#8211;modeling, Evolution and maintenance, Knowledge acquisition, Reflection and metadata methodologies, Artificial intelligence approaches to Software Engineering, Automated software engineering, Component&#8211;based engineering, Data mining, Interoperability, Intelligent CASE tools, Multimedia in software engineering, Hypermedia, Software reuse, Verification, validation and quality assurance, Performance critical systems, Engineering practices, Programming languages, Program understanding issues, Education (software engineering curriculum design), Software engineering versus Systems engineering, Software documentation, Technology adoption, Human&#8211;Computer Interaction (HCI), Architecture tradeoff analysis, Novel software tools and environments