Las Vegas
United States
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All aspects of image processing, graphics, and pattern recognition are included in CISST&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Indexing and Retrieval of Images, Image generation, acquisition, and processing, Image display techniques, Image data structures and databases, Convergence of imaging media (video and computer), Virtual reality, Image compression, coding, and encryption, Multimedia / Applications, Tools for multimedia production and services, Digital imaging for film and television, Visualization, Scene and object modeling, Knowledge acquisition, Visual inspection, Document image understanding, Image algebra, Optical image processing systems, Mathematical morphology, Architecture of imaging and vision systems (including parallel architectures and algorithms), Neural network techniques and fuzzy logic, Performance analysis and evaluation, Software tools and environments for imaging, Animation, Geometric modeling and Fractals, CAD/CAM systems, Rendering techniques, Applications including: medicine, robotic, GIS, remote sensing, industrial inspection (or machine vision), nondestructive evaluation (or NDE), &#046;&#046;&#046;, Multi&#8211;resolution and multi&#8211;spectral image processing, Image sequence processing, Information fusion, Other aspects and applications relating to imaging science