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This workshop is a successor of the successful workshop AOPDCS on the application of aspect oriented programming to distributed systems&#046; The wrap up of the previews edition set up new trends and expectations concerning the adaptivity and reconfigurability of distributed computing systems which led to this new edition titled &#8243;Distributed Auto&#8211;adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems” <b>Keywords:</b> Distributed auto adaptive and reconfigurable systems<br>Which models and methodologies for auto adaptation, Auto&#8211;adaptive ad hoc protocols and architectures, Knowledge domain and meta modelling, Domain analysis and separation of concerns, Business scenario (objects, processes and rules), Specification of adaptability aspects, Specification of distribution and configuration aspects, Separation of concerns and composition, Dynamic composition formal logic, MOO requirements for multimedia support&#046;<br>Development Perspectives<br>Aspect Oriented Modelling, Languages and notations for composition, Operations and protocols for auto&#8211;adaptiveness, Model checking, theorem proving, superposition, Components as cornerstones for dynamic composition, Introspection and intercession to support metamorphism<br>Impact on the management and control<br>Management of adaptive architectures, Management and monitoring of composed services, Discovery and computability of services, Verification and conflict resolution, Integration of control policies and strategies, Quality notions : correctness, adaptiveness, …<br>Platforms, tools, languages, &#046;&#046;&#046;<br>Languages for auto&#8211;adaptive systems, Tools and platforms for auto&#8211;adaptive systems, Composition operators : run&#8211;time, compile&#8211;time, installation&#8211;time, Aspect&#8211;oriented distributed platforms, Aspect&#8211;oriented implementation techniques, Environments for the design of dynamic architectures, Secure, reliable, trustworthy computing environments, Scalable, flexible and rapid deployments and changes<br>Applications<br>Open critical issues in terms of dynamic composition, Quality and behavioural concerns, Paradigms and requirements for services architectures, Architectures for next generation multimedia services, Tools and systems prototypes or products, Experiences development and use of text&#8211;based CVEauto&#8211;adaptive systems