San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date

MobiSys 2003 seeks to present innovative, significant research in the area of mobile systems&#046; This will be a 2&#046;5&#8211;day conference, featuring refereed paper presentations, demos, poster sessions, and Birds&#8211;of&#8211;a&#8211;Feather sessions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile systems, Experience with mobile systems, Operating systems for small devices, System&#8211;level energy management for mobile devices, Middleware and service architectures for mobile applications, Systems for location awareness and determination, Data management for mobile applications, Personal&#8211;area networks and systems, Resource discovery of mobile services, Applications and services supporting the mobile user, Personal mobility, Disconnected and weakly connected operation, Security, privacy, authorization, and billing, Infrastructure support for mobility, Proxies and data adaptation, Wearable and handheld devices, Social and economic aspects of mobility, Mobile agents, User interfaces, programming interfaces, and applications for small devices