San Jose
United States
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The International Conference on Computer Design encompasses a wide range of topics in the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components&#046; ICCD&#8242;s multi&#8211;disciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Computer Systems Design and Applications<br>Advanced computer architecture for general and special purpose processors<br>Architecture modeling and performance analysis<br>Architectural support for operating systems and languages<br>Memory hierarchy<br>System design methods for uni&#8211; and parallel&#8211;processors<br>Processor Architecture<br>Microarchitecture design techniques<br>Instruction level parallelism<br>Superscalar and dataflow techniques<br>Caching, branch prediction, and multithreading techniques<br>Computer arithmetic<br>Embedded, network, multimedia processors and systems&#8211;on&#8211;chip design<br>Hardware/Software Co&#8211;design<br>Logic and Circuit Design<br>Design of digital, analog, mixed&#8211;signal and structured circuits<br>Design techniques for timing, noise, power, and layout optimization<br>Design prototyping<br>Asynchronous circuits<br>Circuit optimization techniques for emerging process technologies<br>Tools and Methodology<br>Design methodologies for large systems<br>Concurrent engineering methodologies<br>Hardware description languages<br>CAD for high&#8211;level and logic synthesis, physical design, automatic analysis and optimization of timing, power, and noise<br>Integrated CAD systems<br>Verification and Test<br>Simulation&#8211;based and formal techniques for functional design verification<br>Equivalence checking, property checking, theorem proving<br>High&#8211;level design valation<br>Design error debug & diagnosis<br>Hardware/Software validation<br>Fault simulation and automatic test generation<br>Design for testability and ATPG; SoC testing<br>Quality and Reliability<br>Fault modelling<br>On&#8211;line testing