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The steering committee for the workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) approved an expanded scope for PADS in 2003&#046; For the 2004 workshop, this expanded scope continues&#046; In addition to the traditional focus on parallel and distributed simulation methods and applications, the workshop now includes all aspects of simulation technology&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> The construction of simulation engines using advanced computer science technology; either sequential, parallel, or distributed in nature&#046;<br>Techniques for constructing scalable simulations that can incorporate hundreds of thousands to millions of entities&#046; Enabling technology in either the simulation engine or model construction technology are both encouraged&#046;<br>Advanced modeling techniques that allow solution of previously difficult or impossible problem domains&#046; These techniques should be generally applicable across a wide variety of differing problem areas&#046;<br>Simulation visualization techniques that incorporate advances in software technology or data representation&#046;<br>Algorithms and methods for parallel or distributed simulation, including synchronization, scheduling, memory management, and load balancing&#046;<br>Applications of large–scale or distributed simulation methods, such as computer architecture, computer networks, VLSI, manufacturing, and biological/social systems&#046; Distributed interactive simulation and distributed virtual environments&#046;