White PlainsNY
United States
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ISWC will bring together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and all other interested parties to share information and advances in wearable computing&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Applications of wearable systems in consumer, industrial, medical, educational, and military domains&#046;<br>Use of wearable computers as components of larger systems, such as augmented reality systems, training systems, or systems designed to support collaborative work&#046;<br>Hardware, including wearable system design, input devices, wearable displays, batteries, techniques for power management and heat dissipation, industrial design, and manufacturing issues&#046;<br>Software architectures, including ones that allow wearable computers to exploit surrounding infrastructure&#046;<br>Human interfaces, including hands&#8211;free approaches, speech&#8211;based interaction, sensory augmentation, human&#8211;centered robotics, user modeling, user evaluation, and health issues&#046;<br>Networks, including wireless networks, on&#8211;body networks, and support for interaction with other wearables and the Internet&#046;<br>Experimental research that rigorously compares using wearables to other methods or technologies for performing the same task, such as traditional methods or handheld computers&#046;<br>Operating systems, including such issues as scheduling, security, and power management&#046;<br>Social implications and privacy issues&#046;<br>Wearable computing for people with disabilities&#046;<br>Future of wearable computing&#046;<br>Fashion design, smart clothes, and electronic textiles&#046;