Las Vegas
United States
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<b>Keywords:</b> Wireless and mobile applications, Wireless communications, Multiple access, Routing, Resource management, wireless QoS, Signaling, Mobile Internet, Transport&#8211;layer issues, Wireless security, Wireless network architectures, Mobile computing, Modeling, simulation, and measurement of wireless systems/networks, Mobile ad&#8211;hoc networks, 3G, 4G, and beyond, Wireless LAN and home networks, Wireless sensor networks, Wireless mobile ATM (wmATM), MIMO, Adaptive antennas, Coding and modulation, Synchronization, Satellite&#8211;based systems, Multi&#8211;user detection, Power management and control, low&#8211;power protocols, IEEE 802&#046;11, 802&#046;15, 802&#046;16, Bluetooth, OFDM, CDMA, B&#8211;CDMA, QoS routing, power&#8211;aware routing, location&#8211;aware routing, Wireless IP networks, interworking, Wireless multimedia, QoS adaptation, WAP, mobile e&#8211;commerce, Location&#8211;based service, GPS, Mobile agents, Distributed algorithms for wireless networks