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This conference will highlight the latest research and developments in the fields of Telecommunications and Information Technology, with major emphasis on 4th Generation Wireless Networks and Fiber Optic Communications&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Wireless over IP Networks, Wireless ATM Networks, Multimedia over Wireless Networks, Quality&#8211;of&#8211;service in Wireless Networks, Congestion, Admission, and Flow Control, High&#8211;speed Switching, 3rd and 4th Generation Wireless Networks Evolution, Inter&#8211;working of 3rd and 4th Generation Networks, 3rd Generation Transmission Technologies, Wireless Network Standards and Protocols, Optical Wireless, Wireless Application Protocols (WAP), ATM and IP Integration, Frame Relays, Remote LAN Access, Virtual LAN and WAN, Routing and Signaling Issues, High&#8211;speed Routers, Access and Backbone Networks, Data Protection and Security, Traffic Engineering and Control, Base Station Design, Network Management, Performance, Operation, and Security, Radio Resource Management, Location Management Techniques, Roaming and Handoff, Cellular Technology, Broadband Mobile Communication Systems, Mobile Internet, M&#8211;commerce, Mobile and Personal Computing, Mobile Terminal Systems, Network Modelling and Simulation, Software Tools in Network Design, Applications in Satellite Communications, Antennas for Wireless Communications, Wireless Streaming Applications, Modelling and Simulation, Coding Techniques, Modulation, Spread Spectrum Techniques, CDMA Synchronization and Channel Estimation, CDMA System Performance, IrDA, Blue Tooth, OFDM Technology, Queuing Theory, Scheduling, Digital Integrated Services (ISDN, BISDN), Intelligent Networks and Services, Equalization, Multiple Access Techniques, Synchronization, Multiplexing, Signal Processing Applications in Telecommunications, Communication Protocols, System Capacity Analysis and Optimization, RF System Engineering, RF Network Design, CAD for RF Circuits, Receiver and Transmitter Design, Microwave Engineering, Broadcast Technologies, Modelling and Simulations, Software Applications, Fiber Optic Communications, Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET), IP and ATM over Optical Networks, IP over WDM, Optical Network Architecture, Optical Network Management and Control, Optical Network Installation, Optical Switching Technologies, Optical Network Applications, Optical Network Standards and Protocols, Optical Systems and Sources, Light Emitting Diodes, Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, Modulators, Optical Network Multi&#8211;layer Designs, Photonics&#8211;based Communication Protocols, Fiber Fabrication and Design, Fiber Cabling Issues, Fiber Propagation Characteristics, Fiber Polarization Effects, Fiber&#8211;based Sensors, Fiber Wave&#8211;guided Components, Optical Splitting and Directional Couplers, Array Wave&#8211;guided Devices, Inter&#8211;satellite Optical Links, Call Admission Control, Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithms, Inter&#8211;working between Optical and Wireless Networks, High&#8211;speed Optical LAN and Gigabit Ethernets, Reliability of Fiber Optic Systems, Passive Optical Networks, Multiplexing (WDM, OTDM, CDM), Submarine Optical Communications, Transmitter and Receiver Subsystems, Modulation Techniques, Quality&#8211;of&#8211;service in Optical Networks, High&#8211;speed Internet, High&#8211;speed Transmission Modelling and Algorithms, Optical Network Design Tools and Software, Modelling and Simulation