The conference will provide a forum for researchers, experts and engineers in order to discuss research ideas, exchange knoledge and practices and review advancements in related topics. <b>Keywords:</b> Communications<br>Satellite Communications, Optical Communications, Wireless Communications, Spread Spectrum Communications, Modulation & Coding, Antenna Technology & Propagation, Networking, Digital Signal Processing, Protocols & Data Communications.<br>Biomedical Engineering<br>Biomedical Signal Processing, Biomedical Imaging and Archiving, Physiological Measurement, Cardiovascular Systems, Pattern Recognition and Wavelet Analysis, Speech Processing.<br>Power & Machines<br>Power Systems Operation & Control, Power Systems Analysis, Planning & Design, Power System Interconnection, Electrical Machines: Design & Analysis, Electromagnetic Compatibility.<br>Automation & Drives<br>Conventional, Robust, Adaptive & Optimal Control, System Identification, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks & Intelligent Control, Robotics, Power Electronics, Electrical Drive Systems, Process Control & Instrumentation, Computer Control, CAD/ CAM/ CIM.<br>Computer Engineering<br>Networking, Computer Organization & Architecture, e–learning, System Software, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Machine Intelligence and Computer Graphics, Performance, Fault Tolerance, Reliability, and Security, Real–Time and Embedded Systems, Software Engineering.
Deadline Paper
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