DARES is the fourth workshop on the new and rapidly growing area of auto–adaptive computing and reconfigurable systems aimed at providing an up to date run–time environment for applications and services facing evolving and/or fluctuating execution conditions.<br>The development of this area is a natural outcome of the tremendous advances in software development using component composition and aspect oriented modeling, design and programming in conjunction with distributed computing. DARES 2004 will discuss this new dimensions in terms of adaptability, integration of behaviors, system extensibility, software platform reconfiguration and system management.<br>The goals of this workshop are to bring together users and researchers to present their recent work related to diverse aspects of distributed auto–adaptive and reconfigurable systems, their fundamental issues, their paradigms and some appropriate approaches and experiments. The workshop will thus present opportunities for discussing further evolutions and their expected benefits. Research papers to introduce technologies of specific application problems, frameworks for constructing distributed auto adaptive applications, or commercial systems and tools are welcome. <b>Keywords:</b> Auto–adaptive ad hoc protocols and architectures<br>Models and methodologies for auto adaptation<br>Knowledge domain and meta modeling<br>Controlability and observability<br>Separation of concerns and composition<br>Specification of adaptability aspects<br>Specification of distribution and reconfiguration aspects<br>Composability anomalies<br>Management of adaptive architectures<br>Management and monitoring of composed services<br>Discovery and computability of services<br>Verification and conflict resolution<br>Quality notions : correctness, adaptiveness, …<br>Quality and behavioral concerns<br>Dynamic composition formal logic<br>Aspect Oriented Modeling<br>Programming styles : AOP, BF, SOP, VOP, ...<br>Programming techniques<br>Languages and notations for composition<br>Operations and protocols for auto–adaptiveness<br>Model checking, theorem proving, superposition<br>Introspection and intercession to support metamorphism<br>Languages for auto–adaptive systems<br>Tools and platforms for auto–adaptive systems<br>Composition operators : run–time, compile–time, installation–time<br>Secure, reliable, trustworthy computing environments<br>Scalable, flexible and rapid deployments and changes<br>Architectures for next generation multimedia services<br>Architectures for next generation wireless and mobile services
Deadline Paper
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