The International Conference on Optical Communciation Systems and Networks (OCSN 2004), sponsored by IASTED, will be a major forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of telecommunication systems, with emphasis on wireless and optical communications. <b>Keywords:</b> ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN, AND INFRASTRUTURE<br>Optical Network Architecture, Optical Network Multi–layer Design, Fiber Design and Fabrication, Network Design Software, Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET), Inter–satellite Optical Links, Inter–working between Optical and Wireless Networks, Architecture, Design, and Infrastructure of Optical Networks, Metro and Access Networks, Modeling and Simulation<br>OPTICAL FUNDAMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES<br>Optical Switching Technologies, Optical Packet Switching, Light Matter Interaction, Wave–guide Fabrication Techniques, including Ultra–short Pulse Approaches, Propagation Characteristics, Polarization Compensation, Chromatic Dispersion Compensation, Modulation Techniques, Multiplexing (WDM, OTDM, CDM), Non–Linear Optical Effects, Nanostructural Material Technology<br>OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS<br>Light–emitting Diodes, Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, Modulators, WDM Systems, Optical Switches, Optical MEMS Components, Filters for DWDM, Transmitter and Receiver Subsystems, Transceivers, Amplifiers, Active and Passive Components, Fiber Wave–guided Components, Optical Splitting and Directional Couplers, Array Wave–guided Devices, Sensors, Fiber Cables, Specialty
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