<b>Keywords:</b> Wireless and mobile applications, Wireless communications, Multiple access, Routing, Resource management, wireless QoS, Signaling, Mobile Internet, Transport–layer issues, Wireless security, Wireless network architectures, Mobile computing, Modeling, simulation, and measurement of wireless systems/networks, Mobile ad–hoc networks, 3G, 4G, and beyond, Wireless LAN and home networks, Wireless sensor networks, Wireless mobile ATM (wmATM), MIMO, Adaptive antennas, Coding and modulation, Synchronization, Satellite–based systems, Multi–user detection, Power management and control, low–power protocols, IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, Bluetooth, OFDM, CDMA, B–CDMA, QoS routing, power–aware routing, location–aware routing, Wireless IP networks, interworking, Wireless multimedia, QoS adaptation, WAP, mobile e–commerce, Location–based service, GPS, Mobile agents, Distributed algorithms for wireless networks
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