Embedded systems are increasingly becoming a key technological component of all kinds of complex technical systems, ranging from telecommunications devices to automobiles, aircraft and even complete production lines. Traditionally, such embedded control systems have been implemented in a monolithic, centralized manner, but distributed solutions have steadily been gaining popularity. In a distributed setup, the control task is carried out by a number of controllers distributed over the entire system and interconnected by a network such as field buses. The individual nodes of such a network usually consist of a processor (microcontroller) together with some sensors and actuators. More demanding local control applications require more powerful controllers based on parallel architectures such as VLIW, or processors with dedicated coprocessors. Distribution and parallelism in embedded system design increase the engineering challenges and demand new development methods and tools. Also, the increasing relevance of intelligent applications like autonomous systems or edutainment robots calls for new design methods and tools. Due to the growing complexity of all kinds of embedded systems, the development of large systems (software, hardware or hybrid structures) requires new, consistent and integrated design methodologies, from specification to implementation. <b>Keywords:</b> – Specification and modelling of complex embedded systems<br>– Design methodology for distributed and parallel embedded systems<br>– Web based design of embedded systems<br>– Design support for intelligent features in embedded systems<br>– Distributed simulation and formal verification of embedded systems<br>– Novel programming techniques for distributed real–time systems<br>– Partitioning and allocation of tasks<br>– Distributed real–time operating systems<br>– Real–time communication systems<br>– Software synthesis for real–time applications<br>– Mixed continuous/discrete systems<br>– HW/SW co–design for distributed embedded systems<br>– Specific (parallel) architectures for distributed embedded systems<br>– Dependability and fault tolerance of distributed embedded systems<br>– Low power design of embedded systems<br>– Case studies of distributed embedded systems
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