This conference will bring together experts in the fields of formal modeling and methodology, high level modeling for embedded systems, programming methodologies for system design, and industry experts, and engage them into useful discussions towards this important convergence. <b>Keywords:</b> High–level models and languages, De–facto standard programming languages, Synchronous languages, domain–specific languages, data–flow frameworks, From general–purpose languages to formal semantics models, Concurrency models for local synchrony and global asynchrony, Analysis and verification techniques, Program analysis, abstract interpretation, model checking, Intermediate representations: data structures and algorithms, Formal representation of behavioral abstractions: types, relations, automata, (Re)engineering and component–based design, Models for component–based design: architecture models, concurrency models, Program analysis techniques for abstracting and reengineering existing IP, Formal methods for components integration: verification, test, validation, Methodological issues, Suitable design–flows for large systems, Refinement–based design and refinement checking, Object–oriented modeling and contract–based checking, Distribution: fault–tolerance, scheduling, Non–functional requirements: portability, availability, maintanability
San Diego
United States
Deadline Paper
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