DS–RT serves as a forum for simulationists from academia, industry and research labs, for presenting recent research results in Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications. DS–RT targets the growing overlap between large distributed simulations and real time applications. The conference features prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers in the field. <b>Keywords:</b> Interactive Virtual Reality, Multi–User Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation in Entertainment; Algorithms and Studies relating to existing protocols (e.g., HLA, DIS); Implementation issues; (e.g., general purpose distributed simulation); Algorithms and Methods for Distributed Interactive Simulation (e.g.,event synchronization, network time protocols); Applications of Distributed Simulation (e.g., Real Time DS, large distributed simulation systems); Distributed Models and Simulation for Analysis; Data Distribution Management and Interest Management; Multi–resolution modeling; Current Critical Design Issues (e.g.: causality, simultaneous events, zero look–ahead, compensation for slower than real time); Methodology for Distributed/Parallel Simulation; Approaches to interoperation of COTS simulation modelling packages; Interface Definition, Communication, Management, Security; Performance of Distributed Simulation; (e.g., benchmark, theoretical, empirical, and HLA/RTI studies); Dead–Reckoning Mechanisms; Visual Interactive Simulation (e.g., generic animation, visual interactive modeling, interactive computer based learning); Animating Language Tools, Visualization Tools for Computational Process under Simulation; Language and Modeling Issues; Modeling and Simulation Environments for Real Time Concurrent Systems; Influence of Network–Centric Systems (such as Java, and DCOM) on DIS; Interoperable Communication Networks; Network support for distributed simulation and real–time systems (QoS requirements and their realization, multicast for distributed/real–time simulation systems); Applications of Web–Based Simulation (e.g. Modeling Global Internet); Integration of DIS and HLA with Web Technologies.
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