The European Wireless 2005 Conference focuses on technologies, protocols, services and applications that will enable a full seamless and nomadic user access to new classes of multimedia services with a user–centric focus. Service provision will occur at the home, at the workplace, at leisure and during travel. The vision is to integrate the wireless local area and next generation cellular networks and develop the next generation of networks. Such networks will enable the provision of ubiquitous wireless services, which will become more and more innovative as they are driven by the demands of the user and as a result of competition between the service providers. <b>Keywords:</b> Smart and Adaptive Antennas<br>Base Station Technology<br>Channel Modeling (Wave Propagation and Measurements)<br>Integration of Radio Localization Systems into Wireless User Terminals<br>Integration of Terrestrial and Satellite Networks<br>Interference Mitigation and Management Techniques<br>Power and Interference Control<br>Power Management for small terminals<br>Protocols for Air Interfaces and Networks<br>Short Range Communication Systems<br>Signal Processing Techniques for Communications<br>Analysis (Simulation and Measurements of Mobile and Wireless Systems)<br>High Altitude Platforms and Satellites<br>Internetworking between Different Access Technologies<br>Heterogeneity in future networks<br>Fixed/Mobile Networks Integration and Interworking<br>Mobile Agents<br>Mobile and Wireless Applications<br>Mobility Management<br>Mobile/Wireless Networks Modeling and Simulation<br>IP–based mobile systems<br>Multiple Access Schemes<br>Positioning<br>Location–based Services<br>QoS and Resource Allocation in Mobile and Wireless Networks<br>Middleware<br>Security and robustness in wireless networks<br>Sensor Network Planning and Deployment<br>Wireless Ad hoc Networks<br>Wireless LANs<br>Wireless Multimedia
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