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The European Wireless 2005 Conference focuses on technologies, protocols, services and applications that will enable a full seamless and nomadic user access to new classes of multimedia services with a user&#8211;centric focus&#046; Service provision will occur at the home, at the workplace, at leisure and during travel&#046; The vision is to integrate the wireless local area and next generation cellular networks and develop the next generation of networks&#046; Such networks will enable the provision of ubiquitous wireless services, which will become more and more innovative as they are driven by the demands of the user and as a result of competition between the service providers&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Smart and Adaptive Antennas<br>Base Station Technology<br>Channel Modeling (Wave Propagation and Measurements)<br>Integration of Radio Localization Systems into Wireless User Terminals<br>Integration of Terrestrial and Satellite Networks<br>Interference Mitigation and Management Techniques<br>Power and Interference Control<br>Power Management for small terminals<br>Protocols for Air Interfaces and Networks<br>Short Range Communication Systems<br>Signal Processing Techniques for Communications<br>Analysis (Simulation and Measurements of Mobile and Wireless Systems)<br>High Altitude Platforms and Satellites<br>Internetworking between Different Access Technologies<br>Heterogeneity in future networks<br>Fixed/Mobile Networks Integration and Interworking<br>Mobile Agents<br>Mobile and Wireless Applications<br>Mobility Management<br>Mobile/Wireless Networks Modeling and Simulation<br>IP&#8211;based mobile systems<br>Multiple Access Schemes<br>Positioning<br>Location&#8211;based Services<br>QoS and Resource Allocation in Mobile and Wireless Networks<br>Middleware<br>Security and robustness in wireless networks<br>Sensor Network Planning and Deployment<br>Wireless Ad hoc Networks<br>Wireless LANs<br>Wireless Multimedia