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ICIP will bring together leading engineers and scientists in image processing from around the world&#046; Research frontiers in fields ranging from traditional image processing applications to evolving multimedia and video technologies are regularly advanced by results first reported in ICIP technical sessions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> IMAGE/VIDEO CODING AND TRANSMISSION<br>Still image and video coding, model&#8211;based and synthetic&#8211;natural hybrid coding, source/channel coding, stereoscopic and 3&#8211;D coding, coding standards, image and video over networks, error resilience, video streaming&#046;<br>IMAGE/VIDEO PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS<br>Linear and nonlinear filtering and enhancement, restoration, multiframe image restoration, segmentation, wavelets and multiresolution processing, morphological processing, color and multispectral processing, stereoscopic and 3&#8211;D processing, modeling, analysis, interpolation and spatial transformations, motion detection and estimation, image sequence processing, noise modeling, architectures and software, neural, adaptive, and fuzzy processing, computer vision&#046;<br>IMAGE FORMATION<br>Acoustic, radar, and tomographic imaging, nuclear, X&#8211;ray, and magnetic resonance imaging, geophysical and seismic imaging, radio astronomy and speckle imaging, optical imaging, and synthetic&#8211;natural hybrid image systems&#046;<br>IMAGE SCANNING, PRINTING, DISPLAY AND COLOR<br>Scanning and sampling, quantization and halftoning, color reproduction, image representation and rendering,display and printing systems, image quality assessment&#046;<br>IMAGE/VIDEO STORAGE, RETRIEVAL, AND MULTIMEDIA<br>Image and video databases, image search and sorting, video indexing and editing, integration of images and video with other media, content&#8211;based multimedia, multimedia applications, authentication and watermarking&#046;<br>APPLICATIONS<br>Application of image processing technology to any field, including biomedical sciences, astronomy, geosciences, environment, humanities, and document processing&#046;