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The SAM workshop is the principal IEEE workshop devoted to array processing&#046; The program of SAM 2006 will emphasize both the traditional areas and applications of sensor array and multichannel signal processing and new areas/applications of growth through distinguished lectures and contributed poster sessions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Adaptive beamforming<br>Detection and estimation<br>Direction of arrival estimation<br>Space&#8211;Time adaptive processing<br>Radar and sonar array processing<br>Array processing for communications<br>Array processing for biomedical applications<br>Microphone array applications<br>Synthetic aperture techniques<br>Waveform diverse sensors and systems<br>Multi&#8211;channel imaging<br>Performance evaluations with experimental data<br>Statistical modeling for sensor arrays<br>Blind source separation and channel identification<br>MIMO systems and space&#8211;time coding<br>Sensor networks<br>Non&#8211;Gaussian, nonlinear, and non&#8211;stationary models<br>Intelligent systems and knowledge&#8211;based signal processing<br>Emerging computational and optimization techniques for array processing