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The ICCIS&#8242;2005 is the 4th in the series of international conferences of Technomathematics Research Foundation&#046; So far, participants from 18 countries around the globe attended TMRF conferences, making diversity of the audience one of its many successes&#046; What made TMRF conferences so successful was its balance between theory and practice&#046; Our keynote speakers shared the latest research, while contributed session talks focused on the more practical, offering best practices, case studies and advice on how to begin implementing or expanding tools&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation, Cognitive Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information Systems (IS) Development and Management, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Multimedia, Distributed and Parallel Computing, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Expert & Intelligent Systems, Bioinformatics, Telecommunication and Networking, Decision Support Systems, Telecommunication and Networking, Planning and Scheduling, Agents, Data mining and Knowledge Discovery, Evolutionary Algorithms, Software Engineering, Information Retrieval, Intellectual Databases and IS, Constraint Databases, Data Warehousing and Warehouse DBMS, IS Tools and Environments, Workflow Management Systems, Digital Libraries, Deductive and Object&#8211;Oriented Databases, Temporal and Spatial Databases, Network Management, Security, Web Information Systems, Advanced Programming Paradigms for IS, New Applications of IS Technology&#046;