Las Vegas
United States
Deadline Paper
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PDCS is a major forum to address, explore and exchange information on the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art in all areas of Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, their modeling and simulation, design, use and performance, and their impact&#046; The program committee is soliciting papers describing original unpublished research in all areas of parallel processing and distributed computing systems, including theoretical, experimental, and commercial works&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> 1&#046; Parallel Architectures and Systems<br>&#8211; Multithreaded Architectures<br>&#8211; Interconnection Networks<br>&#8211; Application&#8211;Specific Parallel Architectures<br>&#8211; Architectural Support for Fine&#8211;Grain Parallelism<br>&#8211; Architectures for Distributed and Enterprise Systems<br>&#8211; Reconfigurable Computing<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing<br>&#8211; Network Processors and Sensor Networks<br>&#8211; Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Networks<br>&#8211; Cluster and Grid Computing<br>2&#046; Parallel and Distributed Algorithms<br>&#8211; Partitioning, Mapping, and Scheduling<br>&#8211; Routing, Communication, and Synchronization Techniques<br>&#8211; Load Balancing and Load Sharing<br>&#8211; Fault Tolerance and Replication Designs<br>&#8211; Security, Naming, and Authentication<br>&#8211; Resource Allocation and Management<br>&#8211; Distributed Query Processing and Information Retrieval<br>&#8211; Reliable Distributed Computing<br>&#8211; Network Management Algorithms & Computer Networks Protocols<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;Time & Embedded Distributed Algorithms & Systems<br>3&#046; Parallel and Distributed Systems Software<br>&#8211; Languages, Compilers, and Operating Systems<br>&#8211; Libraries and Programming Environments<br>&#8211; Message Passing and Distributed Shared Memory Paradigms<br>&#8211; Software Development, Services, Support, Tools<br>&#8211; Middleware for Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>&#8211; Benchmarking and Measurements<br>&#8211; Embedded Systems<br>&#8211; Component&#8211; and Agent&#8211;Based Systems<br>&#8211; Data Warehousing and Mining<br>&#8211; Cooperative Information Systems<br>4&#046; Parallel and Distributed Applications<br>&#8211; Bioinformatics and Biocomputing<br>&#8211; Scientific Computing<br>&#8211; Distributed Multimedia Systems and Internet Applications<br>&#8211; Grid and Internet Appliances<br>&#8211; Personal Communication Networks and Systems<br>&#8211; Broadband ISDN and ATM Systems<br>&#8211; P & D Systems Integration<br>&#8211; P & D Industrial and Manufacturing Application<br>&#8211; Heterogeneity and Interoperability<br>&#8211; Neural and Fuzzy Computing and Applications<br>&#8211; Collaboration Enterprises and Environments