Organised in a series of European countries, ESORICS is confirmed as the European research event in computer security. The symposium started in 1990 and is now held every year in different European countries and attracts audience from both the academic and industrial communities. The Symposium has established itself as one of the premiere, international gatherings on Information Assurance. <b>Keywords:</b> access control, accountability, anonymity, applied cryptography, authentication, covert channels, cryptographic protocols, cybercrime, data integrity, denial of service attacks, dependability, firewalls, formal methods in security, inference control, information flow control, information warfare, intellectual property protection, intrusion detection, intrusion tolerance, language–based security, network security, non–interference, privacy–enhancing technology, pseudonymity, security as quality of service, secure electronic commerce, security administration, security evaluation, security management, security models, security metrics, security requirements engineering, security verification, smartcards, steganography, subliminal channels, survivability, system security, transaction management, trustworthy user devices.
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