Palo Alto
United States
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WWC has become the world&#8242;s most authoritative technical platform on research, development and design of emerging wireless and mobile communications focusing on B3G and 4G technologies&#046; WWC is also the international No&#046;1 professional club for No&#046;1 executives and experts in the field&#046; Since its founding in 2000, WWC has been fostering global R&D exchange for wireless innovation, invention and business, and has delivered over 40 leading technical special issues in major professional publications including IEEE and Elsevier&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)<br>* 4Gmobile initiatives, e&#046;g&#046; higher datarate, best QoS, spectrum efficient, access control, All&#8211;IP wireless terminal, security, convergence, intelligence, MIMO<br>* Convergence of 3Gwireless and Internet, e&#046;g&#046; Secured Wireless Mobile Internet<br>* Radio Transmission Technology for B3G and 4G, e&#046;g&#046; OFDMA, WCDMA, CDD, OFCDM<br>* Software Definable Base Station system for B3G and 4G, e&#046;g&#046; Super DSP, SRF, OBSI<br>* Smart Mobile Terminal system for B3G and 4G, e&#046;g&#046; 4G communicator<br>* Advanced Digital RF system concepts, e&#046;g&#046; Super&#8211;conductor, Super A/D<br>* System architecture, protocol stack and reference model<br>* Network solutions for B3G and 4G, e&#046;g&#046; All&#8211;IP wireless, IPv6, IPon Air, CAP<br>* Enhanced services for B3G and 4G, e&#046;g&#046; wireless stream, e&#8211;commerce<br>* Re&#8211;configurability issues for flexible B3G/4G system platforms (RF and BB)<br>* 2G &#8211; 3G &#8211; 4G migration and evolution issues<br>* Wireless Mobile ATM (wmATM) technologies, e&#046;g&#046; Broadband Mobile Access<br>* Smart antenna, Antenna array, MIMO and Digital Beam Forming, etc&#046;<br>* Harmonization issues for 3G/B3G Radio Interface, e&#046;g&#046; UMTS/GPRS/WLAN/BT<br>* B3G/4G Wireless Applications Protocol, e&#046;g&#046; OMA, wireless&#8211;Java, MAP<br>* B3G/4G Satellite technology, Space Internet technology, On&#8211;Board Wireless<br>* GSM+/W&#8211;CDMA/BT chips, WLAN/WPAN chips, cdma2000/WLAN chips, etc&#046;<br>* Co&#8211;existence with broadband wireless access, e&#046;g&#046; 802&#046;11a, 802&#046;16e, 802&#046;20<br>* B3G/4G mobility management and new billing technologies<br>* Evolution of Macrocell to Microcell to Picocell<br>* Broadband Mobile Wireless (BMW), including B3G and 4G<br>* B3G/4G Bandwidth on Demand issues, e&#046;g&#046; scheduler, DBA, resource allocation<br>* Other B3G/4G Issues, e&#046;g&#046; access control, channel allocation, wireless packet, &#046;&#046;&#046;<br>* Convergence of broadband wireless mobile and access issues<br>* System survey, deployment, optimization and engineering<br>* Ad&#8211;Hoc wireless issues, Wireless Router, Mobile Base&#8211;station<br>* Reconfigurable terminal with 3G/B3G, Wireless&#8211;LAN, Bluetooth (3&#8211;in&#8211;1)<br>* 3Gwireless DSP, Processor, Converter, Bus Architecture, etc&#046;<br>* OFDM, Turbo Codes, Smart Codes and Adaptive Modulations, etc<br>* Wireless Video, Wireless Multimedia, Wireless Streaming, etc<br>* Wireless TCP, Wireless IP, Wireless Security, Wireless OS, etc&#046;<br>* New B3G/4G spectrums (e&#046;g&#046; 2&#046;5GHz, 5GHz) and Spectrum Sharing<br>* Integrated Circuit to Super Circuit, System on Chip, Open Wireless Chip<br>* Any wireless issues, e&#046;g&#046; theory, analysis, simulation, model, test, performance<br>* B3G/4G applications: mass&#8211;markets, military, airlines, specialized services, etc&#046;<br>* Security protocols, cryptographic protocols, privacy and anonymity, key and trust management, antivirus and firewall for the mobile, intrusion detection<br>* Disaster response and survivability, security architecture, models and policies<br>* B3G/4G investment, evaluation, strategy, licensing, marketing, policy, etc<br>* Turbo codes/LDPC codes/iterative decoding schemes<br>* B3G/4G wireless transmission convergence issues<br>* 4G Ad&#8211;Hoc issues<br>* Security issues in low layers and high layers<br>* All emerging wireless issues