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DS&#8211;RT serves as a forum for simulationists from academia, industry and research labs, for presenting recent research results in Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications&#046; DS&#8211;RT targets the growing overlap between large distributed simulations and real time applications&#046; The conference features prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers in the field&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Interactive Virtual Reality, Multi&#8211;User Virtual Reality, Interactive Simulation in Entertainment; Algorithms and Studies relating to existing protocols (e&#046;g&#046;, HLA, DIS); Implementation issues; (e&#046;g&#046;, general purpose distributed simulation); Algorithms and Methods for Distributed Interactive Simulation (e&#046;g&#046;,event synchronization, network time protocols); Applications of Distributed Simulation (e&#046;g&#046;, Real Time DS, large distributed simulation systems); Distributed Models and Simulation for Analysis; Data Distribution Management and Interest Management; Multi&#8211;resolution modeling; Current Critical Design Issues (e&#046;g&#046;: causality, simultaneous events, zero look&#8211;ahead, compensation for slower than real time); Methodology for Distributed/Parallel Simulation; Approaches to interoperation of COTS simulation modelling packages; Interface Definition, Communication, Management, Security; Performance of Distributed Simulation; (e&#046;g&#046;, benchmark, theoretical, empirical, and HLA/RTI studies); Dead&#8211;Reckoning Mechanisms; Visual Interactive Simulation (e&#046;g&#046;, generic animation, visual interactive modeling, interactive computer based learning); Animating Language Tools, Visualization Tools for Computational Process under Simulation; Language and Modeling Issues; Modeling and Simulation Environments for Real Time Concurrent Systems; Influence of Network&#8211;Centric Systems (such as Java, and DCOM) on DIS; Interoperable Communication Networks; Network support for distributed simulation and real&#8211;time systems (QoS requirements and their realization, multicast for distributed/real&#8211;time simulation systems); Applications of Web&#8211;Based Simulation (e&#046;g&#046; Modeling Global Internet); Integration of DIS and HLA with Web Technologies&#046;