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The IEEE ISSPIT 2005 is the fifth in a series of international symposia aiming at the coverage of key aspects in the fields of signal processing and information technology&#046; Sessions will include tutorials in addition to presentations on new research results&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> · Signal Processing Theory and Methods<br>· Signal Processing for Communications<br>· Signal Processing Architectures and Implementation<br>· DSP for Space Applications / Highly Available Architectures<br>· Multimedia Signal Processing<br>· Image and Multidimensional signal processing<br>· Audio and Electroacoustics<br>· Sensor Array and Multichannel<br>· Speech Processing<br>· Radar Signal Processing<br>· Neural Networks<br>· Internet Software Architectures<br>· Multimedia and Image Based Systems<br>· Mobile Computing and Applications<br>· Highly Available Computer System<br>· Bioinformatics<br>· Information Processing<br>· Geographical Information Systems<br>· Object Based Software Engineering<br>· Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>· Computer Networks<br>· Real Time Systems<br>· Multiprocessing<br>· File Systems and I/O<br>· Kernel and OS Structures