The objective of the Electronic Systems Test Workshop (ESTW) is to bring together researchers in all of the fields related to the test of entire systems. The heterogeneous nature of electronic system design necessitates the integration of different research communities to address the system test problem. Currently research in each related field is performed by largely distinct research communites including digital IC test, mixed–signal test, embedded system test, hardware/software coverification, and software test. As a result, there has been little effort towards the development of a coherent science of system test. This workshop will act as a forum for the broad collaboration required to establish a research foundation for the field of system test. <b>Keywords:</b> Diagnosis : Resolution vs. Repair Cost<br>System–level Fault Tolerance<br>Self–Repairing Systems<br>Embedded System Testing<br>System–Level Built–In Self–Test<br>Hardware/Software Co–simulation<br>Testing of Concurrent/Globally Asynchronous Systems<br>System Fault Characterization<br>System–Level Functional Test<br>Integration Testing<br>On–line System Test<br>Testing of Real–Time Systems
United States
Deadline Paper
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End Date