San Jose
United States
Deadline Paper
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The thirteenth in the TAU series, the TAU 2006 workshop aims to explore the temporal aspects of digital system design&#046; Contributions are sought in all areas related to the timing properties of digital electronic systems&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Analysis and verification, Custom design analysis, Design and synthesis, Interconnect and clock tree synthesis, False paths problem, Timing&#8211;driven synthesis and re&#8211;synthesis, Optimal latch placement, Optimizing with composite cost functions, Formal theories and methods, Statistical variations and models, Wave pipelining, High performance architectures, Transistor&#8211;level timing, Timing issues in low power design, Systems on a chip, Delay models, Adjacent line switching and coupling, Performance evaluation, Incremental analysis, Clocking, synchronization and skew, Process variations, Asynchronous systems, Sensitivity analysis, Specification and abstraction, Special circuit families, System&#8211;level timing, Novel clocking schemes, Clock domains, static/dynamic logic Circuit&#8211;level timing