HIPS 2006 is a full–day workshop to be held at the IPDPS 2006 focusing on high–level programming of parallel and grid architectures. Its goal is to bring together researchers working in the areas of applications, computational models, language design, compilers, system architecture, and programming tools to discuss new developments in programming such systems. <b>Keywords:</b> – Concepts and languages for parallel and Grid programming<br>– Concurrent object–oriented programming<br>– Hybrid programming, e.g. OpenMP/MPI, components/MPI<br>– Extensions to traditional programming models, e.g. MPI and OpenMP<br>– Grid workflow programming<br>– Application development environments for service oriented architectures<br>– Mobile agents<br>– Component–based programming<br>– Supportive techniques on system–level<br>– Architectural and communication support<br>– Compiler techniques<br>– Runtime systems<br>– System monitoring<br>– Languages and tools for resource management<br>– Supportive techniques on application–level<br>– Application monitoring<br>– Performance analysis and optimization<br>– Automatic performance analysis support
Rhodes Island
Deadline Paper
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End Date