Modern System–on–Chip (SoC) design shows a clear trend towards integration of multiple processor cores on a single chip. Typical multi–processor SoC applications like network processors, multimedia hubs and base–band telecom circuits have particularly tight time–to–market and performance constraints which require a very efficient design cycle. The trend is then to build large SoCs as a set of programmable and specific HW components interconnected through a sophisticated on–chip network. This evolution is creating several breaking points in the design process. Current RTL design methods and existing designers are hard to scale to accommodate these complex systems. The main idea of this seminar is to gather key R&D people from the different domains required to master this new kind of systems.<br>MPSoC 06 registration is now open.<br><b>Keywords:</b> Network on Chip, Embedded Software, SoC Validation & Test, Reconfigurable Systems, SoC Design Methodologies, Mixed Signal, Embedded Real–Time Operating Systems, System Architecture
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