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<P>The DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together design automation researchers, users and vendors, as well as specialists in the design, test, and manufacturing of electronic systems and circuits with a special focus on embedded systems&#046; </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> System Design Methods and Case Studies <BR>Analogue and Mixed A/D Systems<BR>Design of Low Power Systems and Case Studies <BR>Platform design and VC Reuse Methods<BR>Reconfigurable Computing<BR>Synchronisation: Methods and Design Practice<BR>Multiprocessor and Networks on Chip<BR><BR>System Level Specification<BR>Real Time Embedded Systems<BR>Simulation and Emulation<BR>Hardware/Software Codesign<BR>Architectural Synthesis<BR>Logic and FSM Synthesis<BR>Physical Design and Verification<BR>CAD for Analogue and Mixed Signal Design, Symbolic Techniques<BR>Interconnect, EMC and Packaging Modelling<BR>Formal Verification<BR>Collaborative Design and WWW&#8211;Based Tools<BR>Power Estimation and Optimisation<BR><BR>Defect Based Testing and Test Techniques for Special Architectures<BR>Analogue and Mixed&#8211;Signal Test<BR>Test Generation<BR>BIST and Design&#8211;for&#8211;Testability<BR>Test Resource Partitioning and SoC Test<BR>Field&#8211;Oriented Test, On&#8211;line Testing and Dependability<BR><BR>Embedded Systems Designs and Tools <BR>VLSI Designs, Test and Experiences<BR>RF, Analogue and Mixed&#8211;Signal Designs, Test and Experiences<BR>Embedded Software Forum, standards</P>