Koningshof Veldhoven
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The SAFE &#8211; Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics &#8211; workshop focuses on the technology and functionality of transistors, sensors and actuators&#046; This year SAFE will be held on November 23&#8211;24 in Veldhoven, the Netherlands&#046; The aim of the SAFE workshop is primarily to bring together researchers from universities, institutes and industry, and to serve as a platform for discussion in the fields of IC&#8211;technology, &#8211;devices and &#8211;manufacturing&#046; The informal ambience of the workshop makes it the ideal place for PhD students to take their first steps in presenting their research&#046; At the workshop PhD students and postdocs get the chance to interact and establish contacts with colleagues from Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and the Netherlands&#046; The majority of the submitting authors will present their work by means of a poster and a flash presentation&#046; Some of them will be invited to elaborate on their work in an oral presentation&#046; The former SeSens workshop focused on recent developments of micro&#8211;sensors and micro&#8211;actuators in the broadest sense and S&A systems in particular&#046; The sensor and actuator fields bridge the gap between the physical and electronic worlds&#046; It is for that reason that the SeSens workshop has been fully integrated into the workshops SAFE and ProRISC since 2003&#046; Former SeSens papers concerning devices, materials and technology will be incorporated into SAFE while papers concerning read&#8211;out electronics and systems will be incorporated into ProRISC&#046; The scope of SAFE is since then expanded with semiconductor&#8211;based micro sensors, micro actuators, micro&#8211;systems, µTAS (Micro Total Analysis Systems) and multi&#8211;chip modules&#046; The SAFE workshop is held in combination with the 17th annual ProRISC workshop on &#8242;Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing&#8242; on Nov&#046; 23&#8211;24&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> amorphous silicon devices, chemical mechanical polishing, device modeling, dielectrics, emerging technologies, integrated circuit technology, interconnect, MEMS, microcavity lasers, micro&#8211;electronics, micro actuators, microsystems, multi&#8211;chip modules, noise, memories, novel packaging concepts, optoelectronics integration, packaging, polysilicon devices, process modeling, RF electronic devices, rapid thermal processing, reliability, RF&#8211;applications, RF&#8211;technology for telecom systems, semiconductor&#8211;based micro sensors, SOI, semiconductor devices, SiGe devices, micro total analysis systems, multi&#8211;chip modules, solar cells, TFT&#8242;s, wafer bonding, CMP, durability, integrated sensors, integrated actuators, smart sensors, micro&#8211;electromechanical systems, micro&#8211;machining, ìTAS (=Micro Total Analysis Systems), multi&#8211;chip sensor modules, modelling, packaging, rapid thermal annealing, reliability, wafer bonding, etc&#046;