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The IEEE International Mixed&#8211;Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW) is a forum for discussing all aspects of testing, design&#8211;for&#8211;test and reliable design of integrated mixed&#8211;signals/mixed&#8211;technology functions and systems&#046; This includes testing and design verification of monolithic mixed&#8211;signal/mixed&#8211;technology systems (SoC), heterogeneous systems including system&#8211;in&#8211;package and printed circuit board implementations of mixed signal functions&#046; The technology spectrum includes analogue, mixed&#8211;signals, high&#8211;speed IO, RF, MEMS (inc&#046; optics, bio&#8211;chemical and microfluidics), and nanotechnology&#046; Test topics such as design&#8211;for&#8211;test techniques, BIST, fault diagnosis, test generation, on&#8211;line and off&#8211;line testing, fault modelling, fault simulation and design of fault tolerant systems are all considered&#046; Mixedsignals infrastructure, embedded core test and application specific topics are also welcome&#046; The IMSTW workshop is held annually, alternating between Europe and North America&#046; The workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council&#046; The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers in the above areas&#046; Submissions should be via the workshop web&#8211;site and consist of either an extended summary of at least 750 words or a full paper&#046; Authors of accepted submissions will be encouraged, though not obliged, to prepare a final version of their paper to be included in the informal workshop proceedings&#046; Special issues of the Springer Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), and the Elsevier Microelectronics Journal will be published based on selected papers from the workshop&#046; The Workshop will take place in the Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa in Edinburgh City Centre, Scotland&#046; The hotel is located only a few minutes from the historical Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile with its 13th century cathedral and numerous sites of historical significance&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> testing and design verification of monolithic mixed&#8211;signal/mixed&#8211;technology systems (SoC), heterogeneous systems including system&#8211;in&#8211;package , printed circuit board implementations of mixed signal functions&#046; analogue, mixed&#8211;signals, high&#8211;speed IO, RF, MEMS (inc&#046; optics, bio&#8211;chemical and microfluidics), nanotechnology design&#8211;for&#8211;test techniques, BIST, fault diagnosis, test generation, on&#8211;line and off&#8211;line testing, fault modelling, fault simulation ,design of fault tolerant systems are all considered&#046; Mixed signals infrastructure, embedded core testing and application