The IEEE International Mixed–Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW) is a forum for discussing all aspects of testing, design–for–test and reliable design of integrated mixed–signals/mixed–technology functions and systems. This includes testing and design verification of monolithic mixed–signal/mixed–technology systems (SoC), heterogeneous systems including system–in–package and printed circuit board implementations of mixed signal functions. The technology spectrum includes analogue, mixed–signals, high–speed IO, RF, MEMS (inc. optics, bio–chemical and microfluidics), and nanotechnology. Test topics such as design–for–test techniques, BIST, fault diagnosis, test generation, on–line and off–line testing, fault modelling, fault simulation and design of fault tolerant systems are all considered. Mixedsignals infrastructure, embedded core test and application specific topics are also welcome. The IMSTW workshop is held annually, alternating between Europe and North America. The workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council. The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers in the above areas. Submissions should be via the workshop web–site and consist of either an extended summary of at least 750 words or a full paper. Authors of accepted submissions will be encouraged, though not obliged, to prepare a final version of their paper to be included in the informal workshop proceedings. Special issues of the Springer Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), and the Elsevier Microelectronics Journal will be published based on selected papers from the workshop. The Workshop will take place in the Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa in Edinburgh City Centre, Scotland. The hotel is located only a few minutes from the historical Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile with its 13th century cathedral and numerous sites of historical significance. <b>Keywords:</b> testing and design verification of monolithic mixed–signal/mixed–technology systems (SoC), heterogeneous systems including system–in–package , printed circuit board implementations of mixed signal functions. analogue, mixed–signals, high–speed IO, RF, MEMS (inc. optics, bio–chemical and microfluidics), nanotechnology design–for–test techniques, BIST, fault diagnosis, test generation, on–line and off–line testing, fault modelling, fault simulation ,design of fault tolerant systems are all considered. Mixed signals infrastructure, embedded core testing and application
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