San Jose
United States
Deadline Paper
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FMCAD 2006 is the sixth in a series of conferences on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification&#046; FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems&#046; In addition to the technical program, FMCAD will offer a full day of tutorials on model checking, theorem proving, decision procedures, and the application of such methods in industry&#046; FMCAD will also include panels and affiliated workshops&#046; The conference covers formal aspects of computer&#8211;aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing&#046; In the past, FMCAD was held in the United States on even years and its sister conference, CHARME, was held in Europe on odd years&#046; Recently, the two conferences have decided to merge, and as a result, FMCAD will be a yearly conference from now on&#046; This year&#8242;s FMCAD conference will be held in San Jose, California from November 12th through the 16th&#046; For details about the conference, including submission and registration information, follow the links on the left of the page&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> formal methods in hardware and system verification verification, specification, synthesis, and testing