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The 2006 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim 2006) will feature the 4th conference on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems (DASD 2006)&#046; The conference is devoted to distributed and Internet&#8211;based systems&#046; The main topics cover (but are not limited to) * Performance Evaluation * Petri Net modeling * Self&#8211;Organization and Adaption * Cooperative Simulation Systems * Distributed Simulation of Intelligent Systems * Applications The goal of the conference is to encourage innovation in design, analysis, and simulation of distributed systems&#046; This includes new technologies as well as new methodologies, new concepts and experience reports&#046; DASD 2006 will promote a high quality exchange of ideas and information between universities, industry, and national laboratories supporting the development in the design, analysis and simulation area of next generation distributed systems which can provide solutions to current scientific and technological challenges&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Performance Evaluation<br>Modeling and performance evaluation of hardware and software<br>Formal concepts and methods for validation and testing<br>System on chip / Multicore systems<br>Reconfigurable systems<br>Numerical methods for performance approximation<br>Traffic estimation for communication networks of distributed systems<br>Petri Net modeling<br>Design and implementation approaches for complex systems using Petri nets<br>Petri net tools for analysis, simulation and implementation<br>High level modeling<br>Stochastic and real time applications<br>Self&#8211;Organization and Adaption<br>Scalability and load balancing<br>Data management, distributed file systems<br>Selfstabilization and learning in distributed systems<br>Fault tolerance, trust and security<br>Structuring<br>Visualization of selforganization effects<br>Cooperative Simulation Systems<br>P2P, cluster and grid computing approaches for simulation<br>Semantic Web and P2P KM systems<br>Resource management, search and location<br>Protocols, algorithms and techniques to support semantic interoperability<br>Role of ontologies<br>Location&#8211; and context&#8211;aware environments<br>Mobile and ubiquitous P2P<br>Distributed Simulation of Intelligent Systems<br>High level architecture in distributed simulation systems<br>Distributed real&#8211;time systems<br>Theoretical aspects of analysis and simulation of web systems<br>Ad&#8211;hoc systems<br>Distributed simulation algorithms<br>Ubiquitous and pervasive computing<br>Applications<br>Application oriented methods and tools<br>Applications: scientific computing, tele&#8211;medicine, multimedia, e&#8211;commerce, interactive systems, etc&#046;<br>Case studies and best practice evaluations<br>