Ph.D. Forum
San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The Ph&#046;D&#046; Forum at the Design Automation Conference is a poster session hosted by SIGDA for Ph&#046;D&#046; students to present and discuss their dissertation research with people in the EDA community&#046; It has become one of the premier forums for Ph&#046;D students in design automation to get feedback on their research and for industry to see academic work in progress: 400&#8211;500 people attended each of the last two forums&#046; Participation in the forum is competitive&#046; In 2005, about 35 submissions out of 112 were accepted&#046; Limited funds will be available for travel assistance, based on the financial need&#046; The forum is open to all members of the design automation community and is free&#8211;of&#8211;charge&#046; It is co&#8211;located with DAC to attract the large DAC audience, but DAC registration is not required in order to attend this event&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> System&#8211;level synthesis and optimization, including network&#8211;on&#8211;chip, system software issues<br>Logic level synthesis and optimization<br>Physical Design<br>Timing and noise analysis, including interconnect and RF<br>Verification<br>Testing and failure analysis<br>FPGA and reconfigurable systems<br>CAD of emerging technologies (carbon nanotubes, molecular electronics, MEMS, microfluidic system, etc&#046;)<br>