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Since 10 years the International OFDM&#8211;Workshop provides an opportunity for international researchers and experts interested in all aspects of the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) transmission technique to meet and discuss current activities and results of their research work&#046; After having a great success in the last year, the upcoming event will be located at the historical and famous Kempinski Hotel Atlantic again, which is located right in the center of Hamburg directly at the &#8243;river&#8243; Alster&#046; The workshop will take place from: August 30th &#8211; 31st, 2006 Kempinski Hotel Atlantic, Hamburg, Germany In addition to the two day conference a half day tutorial on various aspects of the OFDM transmission technique will be arranged on August 29th&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Signal Processing in OFDM Systems:<br>Modulation Techniques<br>Equalisation and Synchronisation<br>Channel Coding<br>Non&#8211;Linearities<br>Multiple Access Techniques<br>OFDM System Concepts:<br>Crosslayer Optimisation<br>4th Generation Networks<br>HiperLAN/2, IEEE 802&#046;11, WiMAX<br>DLC&#8211;Protocol Issues<br>Ad&#8211;Hoc Networking, xDSL<br>MIMO with OFDM:<br>Antenna Techniques<br>MIMO Coding<br>Multi User Systems and MIMO<br>Experimental Systems and Field Trials:<br>Implementation Issues<br>VLSI Architectures<br>Software Defined Radio for OFDM<br>