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During the past thirty five years there has been extensive, continuous, and growing interaction between logic and computer science&#046; In many respects, logic provides computer science with both a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling&#046; In fact, logic has been called &#8243;the calculus of computer science&#8243;, playing a crucial role in diverse areas such as artificial intelligence, computational complexity, distributed computing, database systems, hardware design, programming languages, and software engineering In 1996, as part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS hosted the first Federated Logic Conference (FLoC&#8242;96), which brought together several synergistic conferences that apply logic to computer science&#046; The Second Federated Logic Conference (FLoC&#8242;99) was held in Trento, Italy, in June&#8211;July 1999 and included, in addition to its four constituent conferences, 15 workshops, two tutorials, and two keynote events&#046; The Third Federated Logic Conference (FLoC&#8242;02) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July 2002, jointly hosted by the IT University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen&#046; The conference was held at the University of Copenhagen&#046; FLoC&#8242;02 consisted of seven major conferences&#046; Additional events were over 30 workshops, about a dozen plenary and invited talks, and three tutorial days&#046; <b>Keywords:</b>