Interactive systems, the human computer interface and support for collaboration, have always presented significant challenges for designers and developers. Developments in ubiquitous and mobile computing have brought further challenges to interface design. DSV–IS provides a forum where researchers working on model based techniques and tools for the design and development of interactive systems can come together with practitioners and with those working on HCI models and theories. The XIIIth International Workshop on the Design, Verification and Specification of Interactive Systems provides a venue for researchers and practitioners to present their latest results and developments. Papers are invited on topics that relate the user interface and software engineering, including theory, techniques and tools for the design, development and validation of interactive systems. <b>Keywords:</b> Software architectures<br>Development processes<br>Model based design<br>Usability requirements<br>Software engineering models in HCI (including formal models, UML)<br>HCI models; e.g. context, user, task, domain<br>Verification and Validation<br>Specification of Interactive Systems<br>
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