South Korea
Deadline Paper
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Embedded multimedia systems represent an important segment of today’s electronic industry&#046; While there has been a notable growth in the use and application of these systems, the design process has become a remarkably difficult problem due to the increasing design complexity and shortening time&#8211;to&#8211;market&#046; Also, mixed hardware/software solutions are increasingly common in multimedia systems so the separation between the hardware engineers and software developers is simply disappearing&#046; This workshop is meant to bring together people from different multimedia&#8211;related research communities who have worked separately yet not sufficiently interacted: software, architectures, circuits, real&#8211;time, DSP, compilers, multimedia applications, etc&#046; After a very successful debut in 2003, we hope that this fourth edition will consolidate the opportunities for Specialists from academia and industry to contribute todefining the design methodologies of future multimedia systems&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> •Specification and modeling of multimedia systems<br>•Multimedia systems design methodologies and case studies<br>• Circuits and architectures for embedded multimedia architectures<br>• Multimedia processors and reconfigurable architectures<br>• Emerging trends (Systems&#8211;on&#8211;Chip, Networks&#8211;on&#8211;Chip, Game applications<br>• Validation and verification<br>• Software optimization and compiler techniques<br>• Timing aspects of media streams<br>• Scheduling of media processing<br>• Resource and QoS management methods<br>• Temporal estimation and protection of media streams<br>• Real&#8211;time kernels, OS and middleware support<br>