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The IEEE ISSPIT 2006 is the sixth in a series of international symposia aiming at the coverage of key aspects in the fields of signal processing and information technology&#046; Sessions will include tutorials in addition to presentations on new research results&#046; Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas of Information Technology and Signal Processing as outlined below&#046; Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of IEEE ISSPIT 2006&#046; A contest for the Best Paper Award will be held and an award will be given&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Signal Processing Theory and Methods<br>Internet Software Architectures<br>Signal Processing for Communications<br>Multimedia and Image&#8211;based Systems<br>DSP architectures and Implementation<br>Mobile Computing and Applications<br>DSP for Space Applications/Highly Available Architectures<br>E&#8211;Commerce and Pricing<br>Multimedia Signal Processing<br>Bioinformatics and Bioengineering<br>Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing<br>Information Processing<br>Medical and Biological Image and Signal Processing<br>Geographical Information Systems<br>Audio and Electro Acoustics<br>Object&#8211;based Software Engineering<br>Sensor Arrays<br>Speech Processing<br>Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>Radar Signal Processing<br>Computer Networks<br>Neural Networks<br>