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The 48th International Symposium ELMAR&#8211;2006 focused on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications will be held in the beautiful old town Zadar on the Croatian Adriatic coast&#046; While the scientific program is expected to create stimulating professional interaction, the crystal clear Adriatic Sea, warm June atmosphere and wealth of historic monuments promise a pleasant and memorable stay&#046; The aim of the symposium is to promote the interface of researchers involved in the development, design and application of methods and techniques within the framework of multimedia signal processing and communications, multimedia applications, image and video processing, digital video broadcasting (DVB), navigation systems, marine electronics, etc&#046; The scientific program includes keynote (plenary) lectures by eminent international experts and contributed papers&#046; Papers accepted by two independent reviewers will be published in symposium proceedings available at the symposium and abstracted in the INSPEC and IEEExplore database (IEEE Conference Publication Program)&#046; ELMAR&#8211;2006 symposium is sponsored by the Croatian Society Electronics in Marine (ELMAR), technically co&#8211;sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Region 8 and IEEE Croatia Section, and in coopearation with EURASIP (European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing)&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> * Multimedia Signal Processing<br>* Multimedia Communications<br>* Multimedia Systems and Technologies<br>* Multimedia Applications<br>* Image and Video Processing<br>* Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)<br>* Mobile Technologies and Services<br>* Speech and Audio Processing<br>* Face Recognition and Analysis<br>* Navigation Systems<br>* Ship Electronic Systems<br>* Power Electronics and Automation<br>* Radiocommunications<br>* Antennas and Propagation<br>* Sound and Vibration<br>* Remote Sensing / Monitoring<br>* Meteorology<br>* Sea Ecology<br>