Leakage Aware Design Course
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End Date

This course is a one day edition of a series of “Leakage Aware Design for Next Generation‘s SoCs” courses and workshops in Europe&#046; The course will have a strong focus on the theoretical view on leakage estimation and optimization but presents also practical design techniques, case studies and tool demos to design the next generation of low&#8211;power nanoelectronic systems&#046;<br>The series of “Leakage Aware Design for Next Generation‘s SoCs” courses and workshops is developed by the European CLEAN project&#046; Its achieved R&D results will be made available to the scientific and industrial communities during and after project lifetime&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> Leakage power models<br>Leakage aware<br>Techniques to control leakage power<br>Power aware design flows and tools<br>Practical aspects, case study and tool demo