The members of the Faculty of Information Technology, Universiti Utara Malaysia are pleased to introduce the International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI 2006). This premier event, co–organized by the Malaysia Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers is scheduled to be held on June 6–8 at The Legend Hotel, in Kuala Lumpur . To date, the ICOCI 2006 have received more than 200 paper submissions from more than 20 nations around the world, and are expecting more than 300 influential computing and IT/IEEE professionals from all over the world to exchange opinion and experiences on R&D issues, innovative/initiatives issues, and emerging trends in the fields of computing, communications, and informatics. <b>Keywords:</b> AI and Intelligent Systems<br>Algorithms and Complexity<br>Mobile and Wireless Computing<br>Computer and Information Security<br>Operating Systems<br>Graphics, Visualization, Multimedia<br>Databases and Information Retrieval<br>Software Architecture<br>Bioinformatics and Applications<br>Grid and Cluster Computing<br>Information Systems<br>Internet Computing<br>Advanced Computing Applications<br>Formal Method and Applications<br>Multimedia Systems<br>Computer Communications Systems<br>Real Time Systems<br>Embedded Systems Programming<br>Software Methodology<br>Software Reliability Engineering<br>Software Engineering<br>High Performance Computing<br>System Performance Evaluation<br>Web–Based System/Technology<br>
Kuala Lumpur
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