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ATVA 2006 is the fourth in the series of symposia on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis&#046; The purpose of ATVA is to promote research on theoretical and practical aspects of automated analysis, verification and synthesis in East Asia by providing a forum for interaction between the regional and the international research communities and industry in the field&#046; The first three ATVA symposia were held in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in Taipei on the campus of National Taiwan University&#046; Proceedings of ATVA 2004 and ATVA 2005 have been published by Springer, respectively as volume 3299 and volume 3707 in the LNCS serie&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> theory useful for providing designers with automated support for obtaining correct software or hardware systems, including both functional and non functional aspects, such as: theory on (timed) automata, Petri&#8211;nets, concurrency theory, compositionality, model&#8211;checking, automated theorem proving, synthesis, performance analysis, correctness&#8211;by&#8211;construction results, infinite state systems, abstract interpretation, decidability results, parametric analysis or synthesis&#046;<br>applications of theory in engineering methods and particular domains and handling of practical problems occurring in tools, such as: analysis and verification tools, synthesis tools, reducing complexity of verification by abstraction, improved representations, handling user level notations, such as UML, practice in industry applications to hardware, software or real&#8211;time and embedded systems&#046; Case studies, illustrating the usefulness of tools or a particular approach are also welcome&#046;<br>