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To survive and grow in a market correcting itself from short term overinvestment and over&#8211;capacity, the optical communication and components industries are in a process of consolidation and cost reduction&#046; However, in the last five years, the global demand for bandwidth has been increasing&#046; Therefore, we nbelieve it is the right time to evaluate the opportunities and needs for optical components and systems in broadband network applications&#046; In this workshop we will focus on the opportunities where optical communications can bring the greatest added value to existing network infrastructure&#046; We will also identify component and system breakthroughs that will enable migration to profitable, manageable networks capable of supporting next generation broadband services&#046; New products and processes will generate an increasing economic activity for the photonics industry into the 21st century&#046; To achieve success, photonic components and systems must be reliable and inexpensive, generic and adaptable, offer superior functionality, be innovative and have strong IP protections, and be aligned to market opportunities&#046; Made up of selected invited and poster presentations, Photonic Components for Broadband Communication will focus on the global opportunities for cost effective functions that can be realised by photonic components and systems for use in broadband networks&#046; The workshop will also focus on resources that European industry needs to capitalise on those opportunities, including support from European and national R&D programmes&#046; The goal is to strengthen the strategies developed in the Technology Platform Photonics21 to reinforce the European position in the manufacturing of photonics components and systems&#046; Poster presentations will propose technology solutions from new materials and components to system designs&#046; Participants will join focus working groups to develop specific recommendations for R&D priorities and continuing actions&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> • The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the Technology Platform Photonics21<br>• What recommendations for the implementation plan from the working groups on ICT and Manufacturing of Components?<br>• What actions are required for the implementation of the SRA?<br>2&#046; Photonics in the communications network<br>• Where are the niches for photonic components and systems in today’s networks?<br>• Fiber&#8211;to&#8211;the&#8211;Home: What photonics components and systems are needed? Lessons from Japan and Korea&#046; What incitements could work to hasten FTTH in Europe, in China, in India?<br>• Techno&#8211;economics: What is the competitive environment of FTTH (vs wireless, copper)? How could wireless and optical access technologies be optimally combined? What are the emerging component technologies for access networks and what technologies will prevail?<br>3&#046; Manufacturing of optical components for broadband communication<br>• Technologies for manufacturing cost reduction: integration, packaging, mass&#8211;production&#046;<br>• Politico&#8211;economics: How can it be reintroduced or maintained in Europe?<br>4&#046; Future and emerging technologies<br>• Novel phenomena: How to make practical use of coherent atomlight interactions?<br>• Novel or emerging materials: Low dimensional or nano&#8211;scale semiconductors (II&#8211;VI, III&#8211;V, silicon, germanium&#046;&#046;&#046;), organic materials, self organized materials, artificial or metamaterials, such as photonic crystals and negative index materials&#046; Silicon photonics, concepts and prospects&#046; What would be the consequences of a siliconized photonics?<br>• Novel devices: Focus on functionality and ease of manufacture<br>• Using existing components in novel configurations to achieve advanced optical functionalities&#046;<br>