The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 24–28 June 2007. The Conference is aimed at addressing key themes on ″Smart Communications Technologies for Tomorrow″. The programme will feature a General Conference, ten Specific Symposia, Applications Sessions and Tutorials. Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for oral or poster presentations at ICC 2007 and publication in the Conference Proceedings. (IEEE Communications Society policy states that all accepted ICC 2007 technical presenters must register at the full or limited rate. For authors presenting multiple papers, one full or limited registration is valid up to three papers). Full details of submission procedures will be made available in due course. It is expected that the ICC 2007 WWW site will be ready for submissions by 15th May 2006. <b>Keywords:</b> COMMUNICATIONS QoS, RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE MODELLING<br>COMMUNICATION THEORY<br>COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SECURITY<br>MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AND HOME SERVICES<br>NETWORK SERVICES AND OPERATIONS<br>OPTICAL NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS<br>SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CODING FOR DATA STORAGE<br>SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR COMMUNICATIONS<br>WIRELESS AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS<br>WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS<br>
Deadline Paper
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