Deadline Paper
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The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 24&#8211;28 June 2007&#046; The Conference is aimed at addressing key themes on &#8243;Smart Communications Technologies for Tomorrow&#8243;&#046; The programme will feature a General Conference, ten Specific Symposia, Applications Sessions and Tutorials&#046; Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for oral or poster presentations at ICC 2007 and publication in the Conference Proceedings&#046; (IEEE Communications Society policy states that all accepted ICC 2007 technical presenters must register at the full or limited rate&#046; For authors presenting multiple papers, one full or limited registration is valid up to three papers)&#046; Full details of submission procedures will be made available in due course&#046; It is expected that the ICC 2007 WWW site will be ready for submissions by 15th May 2006&#046; <b>Keywords:</b> COMMUNICATIONS QoS, RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE MODELLING<br>COMMUNICATION THEORY<br>COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK SECURITY<br>MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AND HOME SERVICES<br>NETWORK SERVICES AND OPERATIONS<br>OPTICAL NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS<br>SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CODING FOR DATA STORAGE<br>SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR COMMUNICATIONS<br>WIRELESS AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS<br>WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS<br>