EDA & Test
Taipei, Taiwan
Start Date
End Date

Taiwan is one of the world&#8242;s top design centers for ICs&#046; To remain a key player in the chip industry, Taiwan designers must continuously improve their IP development skills and establish closer working relationships with foundries&#046; Since 1993, Taiwan&#8242;s IC industry has gathered at the EDA & Test &#8211; Taiwan Conference & Exhibition (EDA&T&#8211;Taiwan) to learn about the latest developments in EDA & test&#046; EDA&T&#8211;Taiwan is Asia&#8211;Pacific&#8242;s largest and most established EDA event, hosting many of the world&#8242;s top EDA and test vendors&#046; EDA&T&#8211;Taiwan is collocated with Embedded Systems Conference&#8211;Taiwan (ESC&#8211;Taiwan), formerly known as ESC&#8211;Asia&#046; ESC&#8211;Taiwan is part of the Embedded Systems Conference series, the world&#8242;s largest event for embedded systems developers&#046; <b>Keywords:</b>