San Francisco
United States
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UML 2&#046;0 is available as an OMG standard and is attracting growing interest as a system level visual language to support the tasks of specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying Systems&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;Chip (SoC)&#046; Several industrial and academic groups from the EDA community have started activities or reported experiences which confirm the applicability of UML for SoC design&#046; The UML&#8211;SOC’06 is a workshop to coordinate those efforts, to initiate discussions, and to exchange experiences/information between those groups with focus on UML application on SoC design and general hardware&#8211;related aspects&#046; UML&#8211;SOC’06 is organized as a co&#8211;located event to the 43rd DAC on the Sunday before the main conference&#046; <b>Keywords:</b>