Computer Algebra (also known as Symbolic Computation or Computational Algebra) has found applications in many domains of science such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, computational biology, education, etc. The computer algebra systems (CAS) such as Mathematica, Maple, MuPAD, Reduce, Axiom, Lie, Matlab, Scilab, CoCoa, MuMATH, Derive, Pari–GP, SMP, MathCAD, Macsyma, Scratchpad, Magma, Singular, SARAG, Risa/Asir, GAP (and many others that have been developed so far) are becoming more and more popular and now they are valuable tools for teaching, research and industry. <b>Keywords:</b> computer algebra applications to Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Social Sciences, Arts, Entertainment, Architecture, etc.<br>symbolic–numerical computations using computer algebra systems<br>computer algebra systems and Internet<br>industrial applications of computer algebra<br>problem–solving environments<br>symbolic–numeric interface<br>computer algebra systems in Education<br>computer algebra based simulations<br>new computer algebra developments (packages, notebooks, etc.)<br>new symbolic computation algorithms new issues in symbolic computation
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